Tag Archives: Kids apps

Apps We’re Loving Right Now


One week into summer and our once crazy, hectic routine is M.I.A. Our mornings are now lazy and unregulated. That’s okay, of course. No one is complaining. One of the kids’ favorite things to do now is revel in extra screen time.

Playing on the iPad is a treat usually withheld during school until the morning routine requirements are met: teeth, hair, clothes, breakfast, lunch-packing. But during the summer, the kids can lounge in their pajamas, sip on chocolate milk and play on Mama’s iPad.

Must be nice.

All sarcasm aside, as I poured myself my morning java, I enjoyed hearing the kids’ excited voices showing one another what they’d accomplished or discovered. It may be screen time, but it helps them interact in positive ways and those are the moments I love.

Here are today’s HOT APP picks by my eight year old and five year old:

Have you seen the trailers for this new film coming out in July called TURBO? It’s about, of all things, a snail who discovers he is fast as lightning! He is found by a man, named Tito who just happens to run a snail racing team. Cool, huh?

My daughter is currently head-over-heels for snails. We have seven in captivity at this moment. I have to say, they’re nice pets: no shedding, barking, litter boxes or vet bills. However, they are a bit odd, slimy, and not particularly willing to be petted (although my girl would argue with that).

Check out TURBO RACING. It’s a ton of fun for FREE!

The wonderful children’s book series by Mo Willems is phenomenally brought to life in this app narrated by the author. Here kids can inject their own humor into the story, Mad Libs style, following prompts by the author. The kids pick rather amusing situations which the app interjects into the story via the recorded answers by the kids themselves (which adds an air of coolness for them).

I apologize that I don’t recall the price of this app, but I know for a fact that I rarely agree to pay more than a couple of bucks. No matter, this app is an oldie and a goodie; my kids return to it time and again. So, in my opinion, it’s worth a TON of money.

I hope you all are enjoying your summer and that these new app ideas bring smiles to the faces in your house… Theirs AND yours!

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Posted by on June 17, 2013 in Kids Do


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